

Welcome to my blog. I document my days, outfits, and all the things I love.

10 Promises to my Son

10 Promises to my Son

  1. I promise to create a peaceful home for you. Your daddy and I both agree that conflicts can be resolved without screaming and we hope to instill that belief in you as well.

  2. I promise to listen to your hopes and your dreams and your wishes with an open mind. You are a powerful force and I believe you can do anything. Your mama will be a safe place to express yourself without fear of ridicule or dismissal.

  3. I promise to teach you to be a gentleman. You will never be too young to hold open a door, say please and thank you, or to look someone in their eye while proudly giving them your name.

  4. I promise to never shame you for crying no matter how old you are. We all cry. I cry, Daddy cries. Even Leo cries!

  5. I promise to try not to let my fears stand in your way.

  6. I promise to love your Daddy fiercely. You were made from love and regardless of anything that happens, that will always be true. One day when you find your person and have children of your own, you’ll understand how important that is.

  7. I promise to make you eat your vegetables, but to encourage cake for breakfast on your birthday.

  8. I promise to let your dad teach you how to drive. Trust me, you don’t want me to do it.

  9. I promise to take millions of pictures of you whether you like it or not.

  10. I promise to do everything in my power to raise you to be a kind, gentle, and strong man and when the time comes for you to leave me, I hope you know that home will always be where your mama is.

Second Trimester Bumpdate

Second Trimester Bumpdate

First Trimester Bumpdate

First Trimester Bumpdate